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- sp(poly)
- sp_noalg(poly)
:: Finds the splitting field of polynomial poly and splits.
- return
- poly
Defined in the file `sp'.
Finds the splitting field of poly, an uni-variate polynomial
over with rational coefficients, and splits it into its linear factors
over the field.
The result consists of a two element list: The first element is
the list of all linear factors of poly; the second element is
a list which represents the successive extension of the field.
In the result of
sp_noalg all the algebraic numbers are replaced
by the special indeterminate associated with it, that is t#i
for #i . By this operation the result of sp_noalg
is a list containing only integral polynomials.
The splitting field is represented as a list of pairs of form
[root,algptorat(defpoly(root))] .
In more detail, the list is interpreted as a representation
of successive extension obtained by adjoining root's
to the rational number field. Adjoining is performed from the right
root to the left.
sp() invokes sp_norm() internally. Computation of norm
is done by several methods according to the situation but the algorithm
selection is not always optimal and a simple resultant computation is
often superior to the other methods.
By setting the global variable USE_RES to 1,
the builtin function res() is always used.
[101] L=sp(x^9-54);
[102] for(I=0,M=1;I<9;I++)M*=L[0][I];
[111] M=simpalg(M);
[112] ptozp(M);
- Reference
asq , af , af_noalg , section defpoly , section algptorat , section sp_norm .
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