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- ox_flush(id)
:: Flushes the sending buffer.
- return
- id
process identifier
By default the batch mode is off and the sending buffer is flushed
at every sending operation of data and command.
The batch mode is set by
"ox_batch" switch of "ctrl" .
If one wants to send many pieces of small data,
ctrl("ox_batch",1) may decrease the overhead of flush operations.
Of course, one has to call ox_flush(id) at the end of
the sending operations.
Functions such as
ox_pop_cmo and ox_pop_local
enter a waiting mode immediately after sending a command.
These functions always flush the sending buffer.
[340] ox_launch_nox();
[341] cputime(1);
7e-05sec + gc : 4.8e-05sec(0.000119sec)
[342] for(I=0;I<10000;I++)ox_push_cmo(0,I);
0.232sec + gc : 0.006821sec(0.6878sec)
[343] ctrl("ox_batch",1);
[344] for(I=0;I<10000;I++)ox_push_cmo(0,I); ox_flush(0);
0.08063sec + gc : 0.06388sec(0.4408sec)
[345] 1
- References
ox_pop_cmo , ox_pop_local , section ctrl
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