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- cputime(onoff)
:: Stop displaying
cputime if its argument is 0, otherwise
start displaying cputime after every top level evaluation of
Asir command.
- tstart()
:: Resets and starts timer for CPU time and GC time.
- tstop()
:: Stops timer and then displays CPU time GC time elapsed from the
last time when timer was started.
- return
- onoff
flag (arbitrary)
cputime() with NON-ZERO argument enables Asir to display
CPU time and GC time after every evaluation of top level Asir command.
The command with argument 0 disables displaying them.
tstart() starts measuring CPU time and GC time without
arguments. The parentheses `()' may be omitted.
tstop() stops measuring CPU time and GC time and displays
them without arguments. The parentheses `()' may be omitted.
cputime(onoff) has same meaning as
ctrl("cputime",onoff) .
Nested use of
tstart() and tstop() is not expected.
If such an effect is desired, use time() .
On and off states by
cputime() have effects only to displaying
mode. Time for evaluation of every top level statement is always
Therefore, even after a computation has already started,
you can let Asir display the timings, whenever you enter
the debug-mode and execute cputime(1) .
[49] tstart$
[50] fctr(x^10-y^10);
[51] tstop$
80msec + gc : 40msec
- References
time , section ctrl .
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