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- qsort(array[,func])
:: Sorts an array array.
- return
array (The same as the input; Only the elements are exchanged.)
- array
- func
function for comparison
This function sorts an array by quick sort.
If func is not specified, the built-in comparison function
is used and the array is sorted in increasing order.
If a function of two arguments func which returns 0, 1, or -1
is provided, then an ordering is detemined so that
A<B if func(A,B)=1 holds, and
the array is sorted in increasing order with respect to the ordering.
The returned array is the same as the input. Only the elements
are exchanged.
[0] qsort(newvect(10,[1,4,6,7,3,2,9,6,0,-1]));
[ -1 0 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 9 ]
[1] def rev(A,B) { return A>B?-1:(A<B?1:0); }
[2] qsort(newvect(10,[1,4,6,7,3,2,9,6,0,-1]),rev);
[ 9 7 6 6 4 3 2 1 0 -1 ]
- References
ord , section vars .
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