>GTS Library Reference Manual

GTS Library Reference Manual

Table of Contents
Basic Macros, functions and data structures
Binary heaps — efficient data structure for priority heaps.
Extended binary heaps — efficient data structure for priority heaps allowing removal of elements.
First In First Out heaps
Vectors and matrices — simple operations on vectors and matrices.
Simple statistics — a basic structure for computing min, max, average and variance.
Miscellaneous macros and functions — Various utilities.
Geometrical Object Hierarchy
Object class — parent class for all GTS objects.
Container classes
Containee classes
Points — point object and related functions.
Vertices — vertex object and related functions.
Segments — segment object and related functions.
Edges — edge object and related functions.
Triangles — triangle object and related functions.
Faces — face object and related functions.
Surfaces — surface object and related functions.
Geometrical data structures
Kd-Trees — an efficient way of doing point location queries.
Bounding boxes trees — implementation of axis-aligned bounding-box trees.
Surface operations
Boolean operations — set operations between surfaces: union, intersection, difference.
Surface simplification and refinement — reducing or increasing the number of edges of a triangulated surface.
Out-of-core simplification — objects for simplification based on vertex clustering.
Isosurfaces from 3D functions — computing triangulated isosurfaces of a given function f(x,y,z).
Delaunay and constrained Delaunay triangulations — implementation of a dynamic Delaunay triangulation algorithm.
Differential geometry operators
Progressive and Hierarchical surfaces
Vertex split — object encoding a reversible edge-collapse operation.
Progressive surfaces — continuous level-of-detail for surfaces.
Hierarchical vertex split — hierarchical extension of the vertex split.
Hierarchical surfaces — extension of progressive surfaces allowing arbitrary sequences of vertex split or collapse.
Graph and operations on graphs
Graph class
Weighted graph
Progressive graph
Graph partitioning