This method returns a GSL_Rng object of a random number generator of type
rng_type with a seed seed. These two arguments can be omitted,
and the generator 'gsl_rng_mt19937' and a seed 0 are used as defaults.
GSL provides a number of types of random number generator, one can choose
one with a constant integer GSL_RNG_xxx, as
- GSL_RNG_19937
- ...
See GSL manual for the complete list. This demonstrates how to use this class,
require 'gsl'
r =, 1)
r2 =, 2)
p r.get <- get an integer
p r2.uniform <- get a float of [0, 1)
A generator of the type gsl_rng_taus is created with a seed 1. The
method get returns a random integer. The methods uniform returns
a floating number uniformly distributed in the range [0, 1).