A Portable C Interface for Standard ML of New Jersey
by Lorenz Huelsbergen. Describes the implementation of a general interface to C
for SML/NJ, including the ability to expose ML closures as C function pointers.
Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG)
SWIG generate interfaces from (extended) ANSI C/C++ function and
variable declarations. It can generate output for Tcl/Tk, Python,
Perl5, Perl4 and Guile-iii. More information available via the
SWIG home page.
Foreign Function Interface GENerator (FFIGEN)
FFIGEN is a tool that parses C header files and presents an
intermediate data representation suitable for writing backends.
More information available via
the FFIGEN home page.
Header2Scheme is a program which reads C++ header files and compiles
them into C++ code. This code implements the back end for
a Scheme interface to the classes defined by these header
files. See
the Header2Scheme home page
for more information.