FTE configuration files are version specific, and must be recompiled with each new version of the editor.

On startup, editor will attempt to load a configuration file with the basename as the executable and extension .CNF. The configuration file is produced by compiling source files with CFTE.

If the command line option -! is used, editor will not attempt to load a configuration file and will use default built-in settings.

Compiling configuration

Configuration files are compiled using CFTE program.

cfte should be invoked on main.fte, for example:

[C:\FTE] cfte config\main.fte
$ cfte config/main.fte

This will automatically compile all *.fte files included from main.fte and produce fte-new.cnf if there are no errors in source files.

When configuration source files are sucessfully compiled, the resulting file fte-new.cnf should be copied to fte.cnf and ftepm.cnf, or under Unix to ~/.fterc

After FTE is properly configured with the above procedure, you can select Options/Recompile Configuration from FTE menu bar, and FTE will invoke CFTE to recompile the configuration.

Configuration file syntax

Comments start with character # and last until the end of line.

Strings can be specified using any of ' " / characters.

Single quoted strings perform no substitution. To enter ' or \ into a string precede it with a backslash.

Double quoted strings perform the following substitutions:

    \t  ->  ^I, tab character
    \r  ->  ^M, CR 
    \n  ->  ^J, LF
    \e  ->  ^[, escape character
    \v  ->  ^L, vertical tab
    \b  ->  ^H, backspace
    \a  ->  ^G, bell

Strings started by / character require no escaping (except for '/'). Mostly useful for specifying regular expressions without double backslashes that are necessary in single and double quoted strings.