Copyright and distribution
The program "Frodo", this manual and the source code may be freely
distributed as long as they remain unchanged (archiving and packing is
allowed) and all files are included. You must not make any profit by
selling Frodo, especially the price of a disk containing Frodo may not
exceed US$ 5,- (or equivalent amounts in other currencies). Please feel
free to distribute Frodo via bulletin board systems and networks and as
part of shareware/freeware CD-ROMs.
Anyone using this program agrees to incur the risk of using it for himself.
In no way can the author be held responsible for any damage directly or
indirectly caused by the use or misuse of this manual and/or the program.
The rights on the source code remain at the author. It may not - not even
in parts - used for commercial purposes without explicit written permission
by the author. Permission to use it for non-commercial purposes is hereby
granted als long as my copyright notice remains in the program. You are not
allowed to use the source to create and distribute a modified version of
Frodo is not designed, intended, or authorized for use as a component in
systems intended for surgical implant within the body, or other
applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other
application in which the failure of Frodo could create a situation where
personal injury or death may occur.