! MolScript v2.1 input file ! generated by MolAuto v1.1 ! modified by hand ! View of some residues interacting with GDP. title "c-H-ras p21 protein (1-166), complex with GDP and Mg" plot window 20; shadows on; read mol "ras.pdb"; transform atom * by centre position in residue 200 by rotation -0.651934 -0.493047 0.576096 0.669564 -0.017716 0.742543 -0.355903 0.869822 0.341676 by rotation 0.971127 -0.110519 0.211418 0.144562 0.977597 -0.152988 -0.189774 0.179134 0.965348 by translation -0.8 0 0 ; set planecolour hsb 0.6667 1 1; coil from 1 to 2; set planecolour hsb 0.6316 1 1; strand from 2 to 9; set planecolour hsb 0.5965 1 1; coil from 9 to 12; set planecolour hsb 0.5614 1 1; cylinder from 17 to 25; set planecolour hsb 0.5263 1 1; coil from 25 to 28; coil from 28 to 38; set planecolour hsb 0.4912 1 0.4; strand from 38 to 46; set planecolour hsb 0.4561 1 1; coil from 46 to 49; set planecolour hsb 0.4211 1 1; strand from 49 to 57; set planecolour hsb 0.386 1 1; coil from 57 to 66; set planecolour hsb 0.3509 1 1; cylinder from 66 to 75; set planecolour hsb 0.3158 1 1; coil from 75 to 77; set planecolour hsb 0.2807 1 1; strand from 77 to 84; set planecolour hsb 0.2456 1 1; coil from 84 to 87; set planecolour hsb 0.2105 1 1; cylinder from 87 to 104; set planecolour hsb 0.1754 1 1; coil from 104 to 110; set planecolour hsb 0.1404 1 1; strand from 110 to 117; set planecolour hsb 0.1053 1 1; coil from 117 to 119; coil from 119 to 127; set planecolour hsb 0.07018 1 1; cylinder from 127 to 138; set planecolour hsb 0.03509 1 1; coil from 138 to 145; coil from 146 to 152; set planecolour hsb 0 1 1; cylinder from 152 to 166; macro binders either in residue 17 , require in residue 146 and either atom N or atom CA , require in residue 145 and either atom C, atom O or atom CA or require backbone and in from 12 to 16 end_macro; set planecolour darkolivegreen; ball-and-stick require not peptide and in residue 28; ball-and-stick require not peptide and in residue 117; ball-and-stick require not peptide and in residue 119; ball-and-stick $binders; set planecolour white; ball-and-stick in residue 200; ball-and-stick in residue 201; set linecolour orange; set labeloffset 1 0 0; label res-atom 28 CZ "%r %t"; set labeloffset -1 -1 0; label res-atom 119 OD1 "%r %t"; set labeloffset 1 -1 0; label res-atom 117 CE "%r %t"; set labeloffset 0 -0.7 1; label res-atom 146 N "%r %t"; set labeloffset -0.5 0.7 0; label res-atom 201 MG "%t"; set labeloffset -0.5 -1.5 0; label res-atom 13 N "%r %t"; set labeloffset 0.7 0.5 0; label res-atom 15 N "%r %t"; set labeloffset -1 1 0; label res-atom 17 CB "%r %t"; set linecolour cyan, linedash 4; line position res-atom 28 CZ to position require in residue 200 and either atom C6 or atom N3; line position res-atom 117 CG to position require in residue 200 and either atom C6 or atom N3; set linecolour white; line position res-atom 119 OD2 to position res-atom 200 N2; line position res-atom 119 OD1 to position res-atom 200 N1; line position res-atom 146 N to position res-atom 200 O6; line position res-atom 13 N to position res-atom 200 O3B; line position res-atom 15 N to position res-atom 200 O2B; line position res-atom 16 N to position res-atom 200 O2B; set linecolour orange; line position res-atom 17 OG to position res-atom 201 MG; line position res-atom 200 O1B to position res-atom 201 MG; viewpoint "GDP molecule" from position require in type GDP and atom N* to position require in type GDP and atom P* 10; viewpoint "Mg ion" from position in require type HOH and either residue 3 or residue 2 to position in type MG 10; viewpoint "far away" origin position in type GDP 100; end_plot