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(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0)

mb_ereg -- Regular expression match with multibyte support


int mb_ereg ( string pattern, string string [, array regs])


Diese Funktion ist EXPERIMENTELL. Das Verhalten, der Funktionsname und alles Andere was hier dokumentiert ist, kann sich in zukünftigen PHP-Versionen ohne Ankündigung ändern. Seien Sie gewarnt und verwenden Sie diese Funktion auf eigenes Risiko.

mb_ereg() executes the regular expression match with multibyte support, and returns 1 if matches are found. If the optional third parameter was specified, the function returns the byte length of matched part, and therarray regs will contain the substring of matched string. The functions returns 1 if it matches with the empty string. It no matche found or error happend, FALSE will be returned.

The internal encoding or the character encoding specified in mb_regex_encoding() will be used as character encoding.

Anmerkung: This function is supported in PHP 4.2.0 or higher.

See also: mb_regex_encoding(), mb_eregi()