#include <db_cxx.h>int DbMpoolFile::put(void *pgaddr, u_int32_t flags);
The DbMpoolFile::put method indicates that the page referenced by pgaddr can be evicted from the pool. The pgaddr argument must be an address previously returned by DbMpoolFile::get.
The flags argument is specified by logically OR'ing together one or more of the following values:
The DB_MPOOL_CLEAN and DB_MPOOL_DIRTY flags are mutually exclusive.
The DbMpoolFile::put method either returns errno or throws an exception that encapsulates an errno on failure, and 0 on success.
The DbMpoolFile::put method may fail and throw an exception for any of the errors specified for the following Berkeley DB and C library functions: DBmemp->pgin(3), DBmemp->pgout(3), abort(3), close(3), dbenv->db_paniccall(3), fcntl(3), fflush(3), fprintf(3), free(3), fstat(3), fsync(3), getenv(3), getpid(3), getuid(3), isdigit(3), DbLog::compare, DbLog::flush, lseek(3), malloc(3), memcmp(3), memcpy(3), memset(3), mmap(3), open(3), pread(3), pstat_getdynamic(3), pwrite(3), read(3), sigfillset(3), sigprocmask(3), stat(3), strerror(3), strlen(3), sysconf(3), time(3), unlink(3), vfprintf(3), vsnprintf(3), and write(3).
In addition, the DbMpoolFile::put method may fail and throw an exception or return errno for the following conditions:
The pgaddr parameter does not reference a page returned by DbMpoolFile::get.
More than one of DB_MPOOL_CLEAN and DB_MPOOL_DIRTY flags was set.