NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS FILES /etc/imapd.conf NAMEarbitron - arbitron mailboxes SYNOPSISarbitron [ -C config-file ] [ -d days ] [ -p months ] DESCRIPTIONArbitron collects and reports readership statistics for mailboxes on the server. It also optionally prunes the mail- boxes of \Seen state for dormant users. Arbitron produces one line of output per mailbox, reporting the number of readers followed by a space and the name of the mailbox. IMPORTANT: This format is subject to change in future versions. Each "reader" is a distinct authentication identity which has "s" rights to the mailbox and which has SELECTed the mailbox within the past days days. Users are not counted as reading their own personal mailboxes. Personal mailboxes are not reported unless there is at least one reader other than the mailboxes owner. Arbitron reads its configuration options out of the imapd.conf(5) file unless specified otherwise by -C. OPTIONS
FILES/etc/imapd.conf |