NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS NOTIFICATION METHODS FILES SEE ALSO NAMEnotifyd - Cyrus notification server SYNOPSISnotifyd [ -C config-file ] [ -U uses ] [ -T timeout ] DESCRIPTIONNotifyd is a daemon started from master(8) that handles notification requests on behalf of lmtpd(8). Notifyd accepts the request and performs the notification using the method specified in the request. Note that for notifyd to run properly you must set proto=udp in its cyrus.conf services entry. prefork=1 is also recommended. Notifyd reads its configuration options out of the imapd.conf(5) file unless specified otherwise by -C. The noti- fysocket option is used to specify the Unix domain socket to listen on for notifications. OPTIONS
FILES/etc/imapd.conf Default configuration file. /etc/cyrus.conf Cyrus Master process configuration file. SEE ALSOimapd.conf(5), cyrus.conf, master(8), lmtpd(8) |