NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS NOTES FILES /etc/imapd.conf SEE ALSO lmtpd(8) NAMEdeliver - deliver mail to an IMAP mailbox SYNOPSIS
DESCRIPTIONDeliver reads a message from the standard input and delivers it to one or more IMAP mailboxes. Deliver reads its configuration options out of the imapd.conf(5) file unless specified otherwise by -C. OPTIONS
NOTESDepending on the setting of reject8bit in imapd.conf(5), deliver either rejects messages with 8-bit-set characters in the headers or changes these characters to `X'. This is because such characters can't be interpreted since the character set is not known, although some communities not well-served by US-ASCII assume that those charac- ters can be used to represent characters not present in US-ASCII. A method for encoding 8-bit-set characters is provided by RFC 2047. FILES/etc/imapd.confSEE ALSOlmtpd(8) |