NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS FILES /etc/imapd.conf SEE ALSO NAMEchk_cyrus - perform a consistancy check of the cyrus mailstore SYNOPSISchk_cyrus [ -C config-file ] [ -P partition ] [ -M mailbox ] DESCRIPTIONChk_cyrus is used to perform a consistancy check on the cyrus datastore, and output a list of files/directories that are expected to exist, but do not. Status messagess are output to stderr, the list of files/directories is output to std- out. This list can be passed to a backup program to aid a partial restoral, for instance. Chk_cyrus reads its configuration options out of the imapd.conf(5) file unless specified otherwise by -C. OPTIONS
FILES/etc/imapd.confSEE ALSOimapd.conf(5), master(8) |