Bouncy Castle Cryptography 1.11 API Specification: Interface Digest
Bouncy Castle Cryptography 1.11

Interface Digest

All Known Implementing Classes:
GeneralDigest, MD2Digest, LongDigest, TigerDigest

public interface Digest

interface that a message digest conforms to.

Method Summary
 int doFinal(byte[] out, int outOff)
          close the digest, producing the final digest value.
 java.lang.String getAlgorithmName()
          return the algorithm name
 int getDigestSize()
          return the size, in bytes, of the digest produced by this message digest.
 void reset()
          reset the digest back to it's initial state.
 void update(byte in)
          update the message digest with a single byte.
 void update(byte[] in, int inOff, int len)
          update the message digest with a block of bytes.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getAlgorithmName()
return the algorithm name
the algorithm name


public int getDigestSize()
return the size, in bytes, of the digest produced by this message digest.
the size, in bytes, of the digest produced by this message digest.


public void update(byte in)
update the message digest with a single byte.
in - the input byte to be entered.


public void update(byte[] in,
                   int inOff,
                   int len)
update the message digest with a block of bytes.
in - the byte array containing the data.
inOff - the offset into the byte array where the data starts.
len - the length of the data.


public int doFinal(byte[] out,
                   int outOff)
close the digest, producing the final digest value. The doFinal call leaves the digest reset.
out - the array the digest is to be copied into.
outOff - the offset into the out array the digest is to start at.


public void reset()
reset the digest back to it's initial state.

Bouncy Castle Cryptography 1.11