$! Program to match different coordinate sets, and output $! either RMS differences, or WORKCD file rotated and translated $! to orientation of REFRCD file. $! Possible to do this on a different ranges of residues. $! $! Also can be used to rotate coordinates using known $! ROTATION and TRANSLATION parameters. $! $if f$search("CCP4_SCR:toxd_1.pdb") .eqs. "" then goto term $! $ass/user ccp4_master:[ccp4.examples.toxd]toxd.pdb workcd $ass/user CCP4_SCR:toxd_1.pdb refrcd $ass/user CCP4_SCR:rub.pdb lsqop $lsqkab title I don't know what to use as a title FIT WATOM 1 TO 10000 MATCH 1 to 10000 # output XYZ # ! output file LSQOP with new coords end $! $! OR $ass/user ccp4_master:[ccp4.examples.toxd]toxd.pdb workcd $Ass/user CCP4_SCR:toxd_1.pdb refrcd $ass/user CCP4_SCR:rub.tab rmstab $lsqkab title I don't know what to use as a title # ! 1,20 residue numbers, WRES for Working coordinates.. # ! 1,20 residue numbers, RRES for Reference coordinates.. FIT WRES ALL 1 TO 20 MATCH RRES ALL 1 TO 20 FIT WRES CA 31 TO 59 MATCH RRES CA 31 TO 59 output RMS # ! output file RMSTAB with differences end $! $! lsqkab being used to apply a rotation & translation $! Alternative: use PDBSET $ass/user ccp4_master:[ccp4.examples.toxd]toxd.pdb workcd $ass/user CCP4_SCR:toxd_rot_trans.pdb lsqop $lsqkab title Rotating model by almn angles ROTAT EULER 37.7 40.5 30.3 TRAN FRAC 0.36905 0.44048 0.27083 output XYZ # ! output file LSQOP with new coords fit WATOM 1 to 10000 end $exit $term: $write sys$output "! run refmac.com first"