#!/bin/sh # \ exec ${CCP4I_TCLTK}/tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"} #---------------------------------------------------------------- proc OpenFile { filename channel {mode a+ } } { #---------------------------------------------------------------- upvar $channel f if [file isdirectory $filename] { return 0 } # puts "OpenFile mode $mode" return [expr 1 - [catch "open $filename $mode" f ] ] } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- proc CloseFile { f {filename ""} } { #-------------------------------------------------------------------- if { [catch "close $f" ] } { WarningMessage "Error closing file $filename Probably due to disk being full or exceeding disk quota" return 0 } else { return 1 } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ReadFile { filename textVar args } { #-------------------------------------------------------------------- upvar $textVar text if [OpenFile $filename f r ] { if [catch "read $f" tt ] { CloseFile $f; return 0 } CloseFile $f if { [lsearch $args "-split"] < 0 } { set text $tt } else { set text_list [split $tt \n] if { [lsearch $args "-noblank"] < 0 } { set text [lrange $text_list 0 [expr [llength $text_list]-2] ] } else { foreach line $text_list { if {[llength $line ] > 0 } { append text "$line\n" } } } } return 1 } else { return 0 } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- proc WriteFile { filename text args } { #-------------------------------------------------------------------- if { [lsearch -regexp $args -overwrite] >= 0 } { if { ![OpenFile $filename fo w] } { return 0 } } else { if { ![OpenFile $filename fo a+] } { return 0 } } if [catch {puts $fo "$text"}] { return 0 } return [CloseFile $fo] } # Body of function - read a file which is probably code and convert to html # with numbering at beginning of line set usage_message "Usage: number_lines input_file output_file" if { [llength $argv] == 0 } { puts $usage_message exit } elseif { [llength $argv] == 1 } { puts "No output file specified" puts $usage_message exit } elseif { [llength $argv] > 2 } { puts "Too many arguments" puts $usage_message exit } if { ![ReadFile [lindex $argv 0] text -split ] } { puts "Can not read file [lindex $argv 0]" puts $usage_message exit } set texout "

  set n 0
  foreach line $text {
    incr n
    append texout "[format "%-5d" $n]"
    if { [regexp ^# $line ] } {
      append texout "$line\n"
    } else {
      append texout "$line\n"

  append text "
" WriteFile [lindex $argv 1] $texout -overwrite exit