NAMEconstitute - Constitute an Image
SYNOPSISImage * ConstituteImage( const unsigned long columns, const unsigned long rows, const char *map, const StorageType storage, const void *pixels, ExceptionInfo *exception ); DestroyConstitute( void ); MagickBooleanType ExportImagePixels( const Image *image, const long x_offset, const long y_offset, const unsigned long columns, const unsigned long rows, const char *map, const StorageType type, void *pixels, ExceptionInfo *exception ); MagickBooleanType ImportImagePixels( Image *image, const long x_offset, const long y_offset, const unsigned long columns, const unsigned long rows, const char *map, const StorageType type, const void *pixels ); Image * PingImage( const ImageInfo *image_info, ExceptionInfo *exception ); MagickBooleanType PopImagePixels( Image *, const QuantumType quantum, unsigned char *destination ); MagickBooleanType PushImagePixels( Image *image, const QuantumType quantum, const unsigned char *source ); Image * ReadImage( const ImageInfo *image_info, ExceptionInfo *exception ); Image * ReadInlineImage( const ImageInfo *image_info, const char *content, ExceptionInfo *exception ); MagickBooleanType WriteImage( const ImageInfo *image_info, Image *image ); MagickBooleanType WriteImages( const ImageInfo *image_info, Image *image, const char *filename, ExceptionInfo *exception );
ConstituteImageConstituteImage() returns an image from the the pixel data you supply. The pixel data must be in scanline order top-to-bottom. The data can be char, short int, int, float, or double. Float and double require the pixels to be normalized [0..1], otherwise [0..MaxRGB]. For example, to create a 640x480 image from unsigned red-green-blue character data, use image=ConstituteImage ( 640, 480, "RGB", CharPixel, pixels, &exception );; The format of the Constitute method is: Image *ConstituteImage ( const unsigned long columns, const unsigned long rows, const char *map, const StorageType storage, const void *pixels, ExceptionInfo *exception ); A description of each parameter follows:
DestroyConstituteDestroyConstitute() destroys the constitute environment. The format of the DestroyConstitute method is: DestroyConstitute ( void );
ExportImagePixelsExportImagePixels() extracts pixel data from an image and returns it to you. The method returns MagickTrue on success otherwise MagickFalse if an error is encountered. The data is returned as char, short int, int, long, float, or double in the order specified by map. Suppose you want to extract the first scanline of a 640x480 image as character data in red-green-blue order: ExportImagePixels ( image, 0, 0, 640, 1, "RGB", CharPixel, pixels, exception );; The format of the ExportImagePixels method is: MagickBooleanType ExportImagePixels ( const Image *image, const long x_offset, const long y_offset, const unsigned long columns, const unsigned long rows, const char *map, const StorageType type, void *pixels, ExceptionInfo *exception ); A description of each parameter follows:
ImportImagePixelsImportImagePixels() accepts pixel data and stores in the image at the location you specify. The method returns MagickTrue on success otherwise MagickFalse if an error is encountered. The pixel data can be either char, short int, int, long, float, or double in the order specified by map. Suppose your want want to upload the first scanline of a 640x480 image from character data in red-green-blue order: ImportImagePixels ( image, 0, 0, 640, 1, "RGB", CharPixel, pixels );; The format of the ImportImagePixels method is: MagickBooleanType ImportImagePixels ( Image *image, const long x_offset, const long y_offset, const unsigned long columns, const unsigned long rows, const char *map, const StorageType type, const void *pixels ); A description of each parameter follows:
PingImagePingImage() returns all the attributes of an image or image sequence except for the pixels. It is much faster and consumes far less memory than ReadImage ( ) . On failure, a NULL image is returned and exception describes the reason for the failure. The format of the PingImage method is: Image *PingImage ( const ImageInfo *image_info, ExceptionInfo *exception ); A description of each parameter follows:
PopImagePixelsPopImagePixels() transfers one or more pixel components from the image pixel cache to a user supplied buffer. The pixels are returned in network byte order. MagickTrue is returned if the pixels are successfully transferred, otherwise MagickFalse. The format of the PopImagePixels method is: MagickBooleanType PopImagePixels ( Image *, const QuantumType quantum, unsigned char *destination ); A description of each parameter follows:
PushImagePixelsPushImagePixels() transfers one or more pixel components from a user supplied buffer into the image pixel cache of an image. The pixels are expected in network byte order. It returns MagickTrue if the pixels are successfully transferred, otherwise MagickFalse. The format of the PushImagePixels method is: MagickBooleanType PushImagePixels ( Image *image, const QuantumType quantum, const unsigned char *source ); A description of each parameter follows:
ReadImageReadImage() reads an image or image sequence from a file or file handle. The method returns a NULL if there is a memory shortage or if the image cannot be read. On failure, a NULL image is returned and exception describes the reason for the failure. The format of the ReadImage method is: Image *ReadImage ( const ImageInfo *image_info, ExceptionInfo *exception ); A description of each parameter follows:
ReadInlineImageReadInlineImage() reads a Base64-encoded inline image or image sequence. The method returns a NULL if there is a memory shortage or if the image cannot be read. On failure, a NULL image is returned and exception describes the reason for the failure. The format of the ReadInlineImage method is: Image *ReadInlineImage ( const ImageInfo *image_info, const char *content, ExceptionInfo *exception ); A description of each parameter follows:
WriteImageUse The format of the WriteImage method is: MagickBooleanType WriteImage ( const ImageInfo *image_info, Image *image ); A description of each parameter follows:
WriteImagesWriteImages() writes an image sequence. The format of the WriteImages method is: MagickBooleanType WriteImages ( const ImageInfo *image_info, Image *image, const char *filename, ExceptionInfo *exception ); A description of each parameter follows: