NAMEcompare - Compare an Image to a Reconstructed Image
SYNOPSISImage * CompareImageChannels( const Image *image, const Image *reconstruct_image, const ChannelType channel, const MetricType metric, double *distortion, ExceptionInfo *exception ); MagickBooleanType CompareImageCommand( ImageInfo *image_info, int argc, char ** argv, char ** metadata, ExceptionInfo *exception ); MagickBooleanType IsImagesEqual( Image *image, const Image *reconstruct_image );
CompareImageChannelsCompareImageChannels() compares one or more image channels and returns the specified distortion metric. The format of the CompareImageChannels method is: Image *CompareImageChannels ( const Image *image, const Image *reconstruct_image, const ChannelType channel, const MetricType metric, double *distortion, ExceptionInfo *exception ); A description of each parameter follows:
CompareImageCommandCompareImageCommand() compares two images and returns the difference between them as a distortion metric and as a new image visually annotating their differences. The format of the CompareImageCommand method is: MagickBooleanType CompareImageCommand ( ImageInfo *image_info, int argc, char **argv, char **metadata, ExceptionInfo *exception ); A description of each parameter follows:
IsImagesEqualIsImagesEqual() measures the difference between colors at each pixel location of two images. A value other than 0 means the colors match exactly. Otherwise an error measure is computed by summing over all pixels in an image the distance squared in RGB space between each image pixel and its corresponding pixel in the reconstruct image. The error measure is assigned to these image members:
A small normalized mean square error, accessed as image->normalized_mean_error, suggests the images are very similiar in spatial layout and color. The format of the IsImagesEqual method is: MagickBooleanType IsImagesEqual ( Image *image, const Image *reconstruct_image ); A description of each parameter follows.