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(Class of Matrices)
This class expresses matrices.
For creating an actual class, use the class method
::create or the function Algebra.MatrixAlgebra (),
giving the ground ring and sizes.
That has Algebra::Vector (column vectorj,
Algebra::Covector (row vector),
Algebra::SquareMatrix (square matrix) as subclass.
Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(ring , m , n )
Same as ::create (ring, m, n).
::create(ring , m , n )
Creates the class of matrix of type (m, n)
elements of the ring ring .
The return value of this method is a subclass of
Algebra::MatrixAlgebra .
The subclass has class methods:
ground , rsize , csize and sizes ,
which returns the ground ring, the size of rows( m ),
the size of columns( n ) and the array of [m, n]
To create the actual matrix, use the class methods: ::new ,
::matrix or ::[] .
::new(array )
Returns the matrix of the elements designated by the array of
arrays array .
M = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Integer, 2, 3)
a =[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
#=> [1, 2, 3]
#=> [4, 5, 6]
::matrix{|i , j | ... }
Returns the matrix which has the i-j
-th elements
evaluating ..., where i and j are the row
and the column indices
M = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Integer, 2, 3)
a = M.matrix{|i, j| 10*(i + 1) + j + 1}
#=> [11, 12, 13]
#=> [21, 22, 23]
::[array1 , array2 , ..., array ]
Returns the matrix which has array1, array2, ..., array
as rows.
M = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Integer, 2, 3)
a = M[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
#=> [1, 2, 3]
#=> [4, 5, 6]
::collect_ij{|i , j | ... }
Returns the array of arrays with the value ... as
the j -th element of the i -th array.
::collect_row{|i | ... }
Returns the matrix whose i -th row is the array
obtained by evaluating ....
M = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Integer, 2, 3)
A = M.collect_row{|i| [i*10 + 11, i*10 + 12, i*10 + 13]}
#=> [11, 12, 13]
#=> [21, 22, 23]
::collect_column{|j | ... }
Returns the matrix whose j -th column is the array
obtained by evaluating ....
M = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Integer, 2, 3)
A = M.collect_column{|j| [11 + j, 21 + j]}
#=> [11, 12, 13]
#=> [21, 22, 23]
::*(otype )
Returns the class of matrix multiplicated by otype .
M = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Integer, 2, 3)
N = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Integer, 3, 4)
L = M * N
p L.sizes #=> [3, 4]
Returns the class of column-vector(Vector) which has the same size of rsize .
Returns the class of row-vector(CoVector) which has the same size of csize .
Returns the transposed matrix
Returns the zero matrix.
[i , j ]
Returns the (i, j)
-th component.
[i , j ] = x
Replaces the (i, j)
-th component with x .
Same as ::rsize .
Same as ::csize .
Same as ::sizes .
Returns the array of rows.
M = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Integer, 2, 3)
a =[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
p a.rows #=> [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
p a.row(1) #=> [4, 5, 6]
a.set_row(1, [40, 50, 60])
a.display #=> [1, 2, 3]
#=> [40, 50, 60]
row(i )
Returns the i -th row as an array.
set_row(i , array )
Replaces the i -th row with array .
Returns the array of columns.
M = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Integer, 2, 3)
a =[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
p a.columns #=> [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]
p a.column(1) #=> [2, 5]
a.set_column(1, [20, 50])
a.display #=> [1, 20, 3]
#=> [4, 50, 6]
column(j )
Returns the j -th column as an array.
set_column(j , array )
Replaces the i -th column with array .
each{|row | ...}
Iterates with row .
each_index{|i , j | ...}
Iterates with indices (i, j)
each_i{|i | ...}
Iterates with the index i
of rows.
each_j{|j | ...}
Iterates with the index j
of columns.
each_row{|r | ... }
Iterates with the row r . Same as each .
each_column{|c | ... }
Iterates with the column c .
matrix{|i , j | ... }
Same as ::matrix .
collect_ij{|i , j | ... }
Same as ::collect_ij .
collect_row{|i | ... }
Same as ::collect_row .
collect_column{|j | ... }
Same as ::collect_column .
==(other )
Returns true if self is equal to other .
+(other )
Returns the sum of self and other .
-(other )
Returns the difference of self from other .
*(other )
Returns the product of self and other .
M = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Integer, 2, 3)
N = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Integer, 3, 4)
L = M * N
a = M[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
b = N[[-3, -2, -1, 0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]
c = a * b
p c.type #=> L
c.display #=> [14, 20, 26, 32]
#=> [23, 38, 53, 68]
**(n )
Returns the n -th power of self .
/(other )
Returns the quotient self by other .
dsum(other )
Returns the direct sum of self and other .
a = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Integer, 2, 3)[
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6]
b = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Integer, 3, 2)[
[-1, -2],
[-3, -4],
[-5, -6]
(a.dsum b).display #=> 1, 2, 3, 0, 0
#=> 4, 5, 6, 0, 0
#=> 0, 0, 0, -1, -2
#=> 0, 0, 0, -3, -4
#=> 0, 0, 0, -5, -6
Returns the array of the diagonal compotents.
convert_to(ring )
Returns the conversion of self to ring's object.
require "matrix-algebra"
require "residue-class-ring"
Z3 = Algebra.ResidueClassRing(Integer, 3)
a = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Integer, 2, 3)[
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6]
a.convert_to(Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Z3, 2, 3)).display
#=> 1, 2, 0
#=> 1, 2, 0
Returns the transposed matrix.
M = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Integer, 2, 3)
a =[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
Mt = M.transpose
b = a.transpose
p b.type #=> Mt
b.display #=> [1, 4]
#=> [2, 5]
#=> [3, 6]
Returns the duplication of self .
M = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Integer, 2, 3)
a =[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
b = a.dup
b[1, 1] = 50
a.display #=> [1, 2, 3]
#=> [4, 5, 6]
b.display #=> [1, 2, 3]
#=> [4, 50, 6]
display([out ])
Displays self to out . If out is omitted, out
is $stdout .
(Class of Vector)
The class of column vectors.
Algebra.Vector(ring , n )
Same as Algebra::Matrix::Vector.create (ring, n).
Algebra::Vector.create(ring , n )
Creates the class of the n -th dimensional (column) vector
over the ring .
The return value of this is a subclass of
Algebra::Vector .
This subclass has the class methods:
ground and
size ,
which returns ring and the size
n respectively.
To get actual vectors, use the class methods: new ,
matrix or
[] .
Algebra::Vector is identified with
Algebra::MatrixAlgebra of type [n, 1]
Algebra::Vector::new(array )
Returns the vector of the array .
V = Algebra.Vector(Integer, 3)
a =[1, 2, 3])
#=> [1]
#=> [2]
#=> [3]
Algebra::Vector::vector{|i | ... }
Returns the vector of ... as the i -th element.
V = Algebra.Vector(Integer, 3)
a = V.vector{|j| j + 1}
#=> [1]
#=> [2]
#=> [3]
Algebra::Vector::matrix{|i , j | ... }
Returns the vector of ... as the i -th element.
j is always 0.
Returns the dimension.
Returns the array of elements.
Transpose to the row vector Algebra::Covector .
(Row Vector Class)
The class of row vectors.
Algebra.Covector(ring , n )
Same as Algebra::Covector::create (ring, n).
Algebra::Covector::create(ring , n )
Creates the class of the n -th dimensional (row) vector
over the ring .
The return value of this is a subclass of
Algebra::MatrixAlgebra::CoVector .
This subclass has the class methods:
ground and
size , whic
h returns ring and the size
n respectively.
To get actual vectors, use the class methods: new ,
matrix or
[] .
Algebra::Covector is identified with
[1, n]
Algebra::MatrixAlgebra .
Algebra::Covector::new(array )
Returns the row vector of the array .
V = Algebra::Covector(Integer, 3)
a =[1, 2, 3])
#=> [1, 2, 3]
Algebra::Covector::covector{|j | ... }
Returns the vector of ... as the j -th element.
V = Algebra.Covector(Integer, 3)
a = V.covector{|j| j + 1}
#=> [1, 2, 3]
Algebra::Covector::matrix{|i , j | ... }
Returns the vector of ... as the j -th element.
i is always 0.
Returns the dimension.
Returns the array of elements.
Transpose to the column vector Algebra::Vector .
(Class of SquareMatrix)
The Ring of Square Matrices over a ring.
Algebra.SquareMatrix(ring , size )
Same as Algebra::SquareMatrix.create (ring, n).
Algebra::SquareMatrix::create(ring , n )
Creates the class of square matrices.
The return value of this is the subclass of
Algebra::SquareMatrix .
This subclass has the class methods ground and
size which returns ring and the size n respectively.
Algebra::SquareMatrix is identified
with Algebra::MatrixAlgebra::MatrixAlgebra of type
[n, n]
To get the actual matrices, use the class methods
Algebra::SquareMatrix::new ,
Algebra::SquareMatrix::matrix or
Algebra::SquareMatrix::[] .
Returns the unity.
Returns the zero.
Algebra::SquareMatrix::const(x )
Returns the scalar matrix with by the diagonal components x .
Returns the dimension.
const(x )
Returns the scalar matrix with the diagonal components x .
Returns the determinant.
char_polynomial(ring )
Returns the characteristic polynomial over ring .
(Module of Gaussian Elimination)
Module of the elimination method of Gauss.
swap_r!(i , j )
Swaps i -th row and j -th row.
swap_r(i , j )
Returns the new matrix with i -th row and j -th row swapped.
swap_c!(i , j )
Swaps i -th column and j -th column.
swap_c(i , j )
Returns the new matrix with i -th column and j -th
column swapped.
multiply_r!(i , c )
Multiplys the i -th row by c .
multiply_r(i , c )
Returns the new Matrix with the i -th row multiplied
by c .
multiply_c!(j , c )
Multiplys the j -th column by c .
multiply_c(j , c )
Returns the new Matrix with the j -th column multiplied
by c .
divide_r!(i , c )
Divides the i -th row by c .
divide_r(i , c )
Returns the new Matrix with the i -th row divided
by c .
divide_c!(j , c )
Divides the j -th column by c .
divide_c(j , c )
Returns the new Matrix with the j -th column divided
by c .
mix_r!(i , j , c )
Adds the j -th row multiplied by c to the i -th row.
mix_r(i , j , c )
Returns the new matrix such that
the j -th row multiplied by c is added to
the i -th row.
mix_c!(i , j , c )
Adds the j -th column multiplied by c to the i -th column.
mix_c(i , j , c )
Returns the new matrix such that
the j -th column multiplied by c is added to
the i -th column.
Transform to the step matrix by the left fundamental transformation.
The return value is the array of the square matrix which used to transform
and its determinant.
require "matrix-algebra"
require "mathn"
class Rational < Numeric
def inspect; to_s; end
M = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Rational, 4, 3)
a = M.matrix{|i, j| i*10 + j}
b = a.dup
c, d = b.left_eliminate!
b.display #=> [1, 0, -1]
#=> [0, 1, 2]
#=> [0, 0, 0]
#=> [0, 0, 0]
c.display #=> [-11/10, 1/10, 0, 0]
#=> [1, 0, 0, 0]
#=> [1, -2, 1, 0]
#=> [2, -3, 0, 1]
p c*a == b#=> true
p d #=> 1/10
The general inverse matrix obtained by the left fundamental
Returns the step matrix by the left fundamental transformation.
Returns the array of pivots if self is a step matrix, otherwise
returns nil .
Returns the array of vector( Algebra::Vector ) such that
the right multiplication of it is null.
require "matrix-algebra"
require "mathn"
M = Algebra.MatrixAlgebra(Rational, 5, 4)
a = M.matrix{|i, j| i + j}
a.display #=>
#[0, 1, 2, 3]
#[1, 2, 3, 4]
#[2, 3, 4, 5]
#[3, 4, 5, 6]
#[4, 5, 6, 7]
a.kernel_basis.each do |v|
puts "a * #{v} = #{a * v}"
#=> a * [1, -2, 1, 0] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
#=> a * [2, -3, 0, 1] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Calculate the determinant by elimination.