style "step" { bg[ACTIVE] = "#a0a0a0" fg[ACTIVE] = "#000000" base[ACTIVE] = "#dddddd" bg[NORMAL] = "#b3b2b0" fg[NORMAL] = "#000000" base[NORMAL] = "#dddddd" bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#a3a2a0" fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#555555" base[INSENSITIVE] = "#b0b0b0" bg[PRELIGHT] = "#b3b2b0" fg[PRELIGHT] = "#000000" base[PRELIGHT] = "#ededed" bg[SELECTED] = "#685972" fg[SELECTED] = "#ffffff" base[SELECTED] = "#696472" engine "XenoStep" { scrollbar_knob = lines scrollbar_width = 15 stepper_arrows = false stepper_ends = false stepper_box = true paned_knob = lines handle_knob = holes thin = false shine = 1.75 shade = 0.75 } } style "menu" { bg[PRELIGHT] = "#cdcccb" # Highlighted menu item } style "range" { bg[ACTIVE] = "#808080" # Right side of the range # bg[NORMAL] = "#A8A8A8" # Sliders and buttons # bg[SELECTED] = "#F0F0F0" # Left side of the range # bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#909090" # Inactive widget # bg[PRELIGHT] = "#B8B8B8" # Highlighted sliders and buttons } style "button" { bg[NORMAL] = "#bdbcbb" # Normal button bg[ACTIVE] = "#adadad" # Clicked button bg[PRELIGHT] = "#cdcccb" # Highlighted button bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#adadad" # Inactive button # base[ACTIVE] = "#F0F0F0" # Pressed toggle button # base[PRELIGHT] = "#F0F0F0" # Highlighted Pressed toggle button # base[SELECTED] = "#F0F0F0" # Radio button check # base[NORMAL] = "#F0F0F0" # Active radio button bg # fg[NORMAL] = "#000000" # Check-button check # fg[ACTIVE] = "#000000" # Clicked check-button check # fg[PRELIGHT] = "#000000" # Highlighted check-button check } style "list" { bg[NORMAL] = "#e8e8e8" base[NORMAL] = "#e8e8e8" bg[ACTIVE] = "#e8e8e8" base[ACTIVE] = "#e8e8e8" } style "tooltips" { bg[NORMAL] = "#e5d7b3" fg[NORMAL] = "#000000" } class "GtkWidget" style "step" class "*List*" style "list" class "*Tree*" style "list" class "*Button*" style "button" class "*MenuItem*" style "menu" class "GtkRange" style "range" widget "gtk-tooltips*" style "tooltips"