
SNMP support for Perl 5

Copyright (c) 1995-2002, Simon Leinen
All rights reserved

This program is free software; you can redistribute it under the "Artistic License" included in this distribution.

Author: Simon Leinen <>

This package contains Perl 5 modules and, which, when used together, provide rudimentary access to remote SNMP (v1/v2) agents. It can be downloaded from the FTP directory

NEW:The library is featured in the book Essential SNMP by Douglas R. Mauro and Kevin J. Schmidt, July 2001, O'Reilly & Associates, ISBN: 0-59600020-0. You can buy it on-line at In Partnerschaft mit


This module differs from existing SNMP packages in that it is completely stand-alone, i.e. you don't need to have another SNMP package such as CMU SNMP. It is also written entirely in Perl, so you don't have to compile any C modules. It uses the Perl 5 module and should therefore be very portable, even to non-Unix systems.

The SNMP operations currently supported are "get", "get-next", "get-bulk" and "set", as well as trap generation and reception.

For an excellent example of the type of application this is useful for, see Tobias Oetiker's ``mrtg'' (Multi Router Traffic Grapher) tool. Another application that uses this library is IOG (Input/Output Grapher).

Recent Changes:

For a list of changes, see the changes.html file packaged with this system.


The basic usage of these routines works like this:

use BER;
require '';

# Set $host to the name of the host whose SNMP agent you want
# to talk to.  Set $community to the community name under
# which you want to talk to the agent.	Set port to the UDP
# port on which the agent listens (usually 161).

$session = SNMP_Session->open ($host, $community, $port)
    or die "couldn't open SNMP session to $host";

# Set $oid1, $oid2... to the BER-encoded OIDs of the MIB
# variables you want to get.

if ($session->get_request_response ($oid1, $oid2, ...)) {
    ($bindings) = $session->decode_get_response ($session->{pdu_buffer});

    while ($bindings ne '') {
	($binding,$bindings) = &decode_sequence ($bindings);
	($oid,$value) = &decode_by_template ($binding, "%O%@");
	print &pretty_print ($oid)," => ", &pretty_print ($value), "\n";
} else {
    die "No response from agent on $host";

Encoding OIDs

In order to BER-encode OIDs, you can use the function BER::encode_oid. It takes (a vector of) numeric subids as an argument. For example,

use BER;
encode_oid (1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0)

will return the BER-encoded OID for the sysDescr.0 ( instance of MIB-2.

Decoding the results

When get_request_response returns success, you must decode the response PDU from the remote agent. The function decode_get_response can be used to do this. It takes a get-response PDU, checks its syntax and returns the bindings part of the PDU. This is where the remote agent actually returns the values of the variables in your query.

You should iterate over the individual bindings in this bindings part and extract the value for each variable. In the example above, the returned bindings are simply printed using the BER::pretty_print function.

For better readability of the OIDs, you can also use the following idiom, where the %pretty_oids hash maps BER-encoded numerical OIDs to symbolic OIDs. Note that this simple-minded mapping only works for response OIDs that exactly match known OIDs, so it's unsuitable for table walking (where the response OIDs include an additional row index).

%ugly_oids = qw(sysDescr.0
foreach (keys %ugly_oids) {
    $ugly_oids{$_} = encode_oid (split (/\./, $ugly_oids{$_}));
    $pretty_oids{$ugly_oids{$_}} = $_;
if ($session->get_request_response ($ugly_oids{'sysDescr.0'},
				    $ugly_oids{'sysContact.0'})) {
    ($bindings) = $session->decode_get_response ($session->{pdu_buffer});
    while ($bindings ne '') {
	($binding,$bindings) = &decode_sequence ($bindings);
	($oid,$value) = &decode_by_template ($binding, "%O%@");
	print $pretty_oids{$oid}," => ",
	      &pretty_print ($value), "\n";
} ...

Set Requests

Set requests are generated much like get or getNext requests are, with the exception that you have to specify not just OIDs, but also the values the variables should be set to. Every binding is passed as a reference to a two-element array, the first element being the encoded OID and the second one the encoded value. See the test/ script for an example, in particular the subroutine snmpset.

Walking Tables

Beginning with version 0.57 of, there is API support for walking tables. The map_table method can be used for this as follows:

sub walk_function ($$$) {
  my ($index, $val1, $val3) = @_;

$columns = [$base_oid1, $base_oid3];
$n_rows = $session->map_table ($columns, \&walk_function);

The columns argument must be a reference to a list of OIDs for table columns sharing the same index. The method will traverse the table and call the walk_function for each row. The arguments for these calls will be:

  1. the row index as a partial OID in dotted notation, e.g. "1.3", or "".
  2. the values of the requested table columns in that row, in BER-encoded form. If you want to use the standard pretty_print subroutine to decode the values, you can use the following idiom:
      grep (defined $_ && ($_=pretty_print $_), ($val1, $val3));

Walking Tables With get-bulk

Since version 0.67, SNMP_Session uses a different get_table implementation for SNMPv2c_Sessions. This version uses the ``powerful get-bulk operator'' to retrieve many table rows with each request. In general, this will make table walking much faster under SNMPv2c, especially when round-trip times to the agent are long.

There is one difficulty, however: With get-bulk, a management application can specify the maximum number of rows to return in a single response. provides a new function, map_table_4, in which this maxRepetitions value can be specified explicitly.

For maximum efficiency, it should be set to a value that is one greater than the number of rows in the table. If it is smaller, then map_table will use more request/response cycles than necessary; if it is bigger, the agent will have to compute variable bindings beyond the end of the table (which map_table will throw away).

Of course it is usually impossible to know the size of the table in advance. If you don't specify maxRepetitions when walking a table, then map_table will use a per-session default ($session->default_max_repetitions). The default value for this default is 12.

If you walk a table multiple times, and the size of the table is relatively stable, you should use the return value of map_table (which is the number of rows it has encountered) to compute the next value of maxRepetitions. Remember to add one so that map_table notices when the table is finished!

Note that for really big tables, this doesn't make a big difference, since the table won't fit in a single response packet anyway.

Sending Traps

To send a trap, you have to open an SNMP session to the trap receiver. Usually this is a process listening to UDP port 162 on a network management station. Then you can use the trap_request_send method to encode and send SNMPv1 traps. There is no way to find out whether the trap was actually received at the management station - SNMP traps are fundamentally unreliable.

When constructing an SNMPv1 trap, you must provide

  • the "enterprise" Object Identifier for the entity that generates the trap
  • your IP address
  • the generic trap type
  • the specific trap type
  • the sysUpTime at the time of trap generation
  • a sequence (may be empty) of variable bindings further describing the trap.

For SNMPv2 traps, you need:

  • the trap's OID
  • the sysUpTime at the time of trap generation
  • the bindings list as above

For SNMPv2 traps, the uptime and trap OID are encoded as bindings which are added to the front of the other bindings you provide.

Here is a short example:

my $trap_receiver = "netman.noc";
my $trap_community = "SNMP_Traps";
my $trap_session = $version eq '1'
    ? SNMP_Session->open ($trap_receiver, $trap_community, 162)
    : SNMPv2c_Session->open ($trap_receiver, $trap_community, 162);
my $myIpAddress = ...;
my $start_time = time;


sub link_down_trap ($$) {
  my ($if_index, $version) = @_;
  my $genericTrap = 2;		# linkDown
  my $specificTrap = 0;
  my @ifIndexOID = ( 1,3,6,1,2,1,2,2,1,1 );
  my $upTime = int ((time - $start_time) * 100.0);
  my @myOID = ( 1,3,6,1,4,1,2946,0,8,15 );

  warn "Sending trap failed"
    unless ($version eq '1')
	? $trap_session->trap_request_send (encode_oid (@myOID),
					    encode_ip_address ($myIpAddress),
					    encode_int ($genericTrap),
					    encode_int ($specificTrap),
					    encode_timeticks ($upTime),
					    [encode_oid (@ifIndex_OID,$if_index),
					     encode_int ($if_index)],
					    [encode_oid (@ifDescr_OID,$if_index),
					     encode_string ("foo")])
	    : $trap_session->v2_trap_request_send (\@linkDown_OID, $upTime,
						   [encode_oid (@ifIndex_OID,$if_index),
						    encode_int ($if_index)],
						   [encode_oid (@ifDescr_OID,$if_index),
						    encode_string ("foo")]);

Receiving Traps

Since version 0.60, supports the receipt and decoding of SNMPv1 trap requests. Since version 0.75, SNMPv2 Trap PDUs are also recognized.

To receive traps, you have to create a special SNMP session that passively listens on the SNMP trap transport address (usually UDP port 162). Then you can receive traps using the receive_trap method and decode them using decode_trap_request. The enterprise, agent, generic, specific and sysUptime return values are only defined for SNMPv1 traps. In SNMPv2 traps, the equivalent information is contained in the bindings.

my $trap_session = SNMPv1_Session->open_trap_session ()
  or die "cannot open trap session";
my ($trap, $sender_addr, $sender_port) = $trap_session->receive_trap ()
  or die "cannot receive trap";
my ($community, $enterprise, $agent,
    $generic, $specific, $sysUptime, $bindings)
  = $session->decode_trap_request ($trap)
    or die "cannot decode trap received"
my ($binding, $oid, $value);
while ($bindings ne '') {
    ($binding,$bindings) = &decode_sequence ($bindings);
    ($oid, $value) = decode_by_template ("%O%@");
    print BER::pretty_oid ($oid)," => ",pretty_print ($value),"\n";

Future Plans

SNMPv3 Support

The code could first be restructured to follow the modularization proposed in RFC 2271 (An Architecture for Describing SNMP Management Frameworks). The existing SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c support must somehow be retrofitted to this framework. Later, one could add support for SNMPv3 PDU formats and for user-based security.

Higher-Level APIs

The current programming interface is very close to the level of SNMP operations and PDUs. For actual management applications, there are probably more convenient interfaces that could be defined.

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