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VECFEM3 Reference Manual: comendType: FORTRAN routine NAMEcomend - end the parallel computer for a VECFEM calculation SYNOPSIS
PURPOSEVECFEM uses its own communication routines, which call the actual communication routines of the used parallel computer, see combgn. comend ends the parallel computer. It should always be called at the end of the calculation to ensure a controlled end of the calculation. ARGUMENTS
EXAMPLESee vemexamples. REFERENCES[P_MPI] SEECOPYRIGHTSProgram by H. Haefner, L. Grosz, 1994. Copyrights by Universitaet Karlsruhe 1989-1996. Copyrights by Lutz Grosz 1996. All rights reserved. More details see VECFEM. By L. Grosz, Auckland, 4. June, 2000. |