
# File FXIconList.rb, line 341
    def enableItem(index);
    # Disable item at _index_.
    # Raises IndexError if _index_ is out of bounds.
    def disableItem(index);
    # Select item at _index_.
    # If _notify_ is +true+, a +SEL_SELECTED+ message is sent to the list's
    # message target after the item is selected.
    # Raises IndexError if _index_ is out of bounds.
    def selectItem(index, notify=false); end
    # Deselect item at _index_.
    # If _notify_ is +true+, a +SEL_DESELECTED+ message is sent to the list's
    # message target after the item is deselected.
    # Raises IndexError if _index_ is out of bounds.
    def deselectItem(index, notify=false); end
    # Toggle item at _index_.
    # If _notify_ is  +true+, either a +SEL_SELECTED+ or +SEL_DESELECTED+
    # message is sent to the list's message target to indicate the item's
    # new state.
    # Raises IndexError if _index_ is out of bounds.
    def toggleItem(index, notify=false); end
    # Change current item index.
    # If _notify_ is  +true+, a +SEL_CHANGED+ message is sent to the list's message target
    # after the current item changes.
    # Raises IndexError if _index_ is out of bounds.
    def setCurrentItem(index, notify=false); end
    # Extend selection from anchor index to _index_.
    # If _notify_ is  +true+, a series of +SEL_SELECTED+ and +SEL_DESELECTED+ messages
    # are sent to the list's message target as the selected-state of different items changes.
    # Raises IndexError if _index_ is out of bounds.
    def extendSelection(index, notify=false); end
    # Deselect all items.
    # If _notify_ is +true+, a +SEL_DESELECTED+ message is sent to the list's message
    # target for all the items that were selected before killSelection was called.
    def killSelection(notify=false); end
    # Sort items
    def sortItems(); end