NAMERDF::Core::Storage::Postgres - PostgreSQL implementation of RDF::Core::Storage
SYNOPSISuse RDF::Core::Storage::Postgres; my $storage = new RDF::Core::Storage::Postgres(( ConnectStr=>'dbi:Pg:dbname=rdf', DBUser=>'username', Model=>'1', )); my $model = new RDF::Core::Model (Storage => $storage);
DESCRIPTIONThe storage is based on PostgreSQL database.
INSTALLATIONYou need to have PostgreSQL database installed. Then run scripts in dbmodel/pgsql/rdf-pgsql.sql and database will be created and ready for use.
LICENSEThis package is subject to the MPL (or the GPL alternatively).
AUTHORGinger Alliance, rdf@gingerall.cz
SEE ALSORDF::Core::Storage, RDF::Core::Model |